Holy Rosary Primary School Nature Playground
Location: 35 Williamstown Road, Doubleview, WA
Commission: Design and Construct; Community Participation
Nature Play Elements: Tyres and ropes, balancing logs, stepping logs, cubbies, rope play, rocks
Description: The school P&C was passionate about providing Nature Play Spaces and asked us to work in the area with a difficult slope. With an effective design and initial construction, plus many busy bees later, our team and the parents completed a much loved Nature Play Area.
“Once again, thank you for all your work on the playground. I went down & had a look today during lunch time and it was covered in kids. It is really interesting watching them explore the space, and also watch them as they (tentatively) explore different ways of using the equipment. It is quite fascinating to watch as they are so use to having boundaries on what they are allowed to do, and they are still really cautious. For example none of them have touched the branches we left up near the tyres yet, however I am expecting that as they get more comfortable this will change.”
– Holy Rosary Primary School, Doubleview