Client: Lake Joondalup Baptist College
Location: Kennedya Drive Joondalup, WA
Date: Jan, 2020
Outcome: Landscaped Nature Playground
Lake Joondalup Baptist College contacted NBP to submit a concept and design proposal for a Nature based Adventure Playground for their primary school area. After initial meetings and putting forward our business ethos and design ideas, NBP was awarded the contract to develop a concept design for a Primary Adventure Playground for the College, and to build Stage 1 of the design.
Working closely with the School Primary Deans and wellbeing officers, NBP developed a design that met the schools needs in terms of an outdoor playground, and in providing strong student wellbeing and pedagogy outcomes that the school is invested in.
The final outcome was a complete transformation of the existing lawn area, creating a natural landscape with mounds and swales, and a variety of Nature Play items including Water Play, Climbing and Balancing items, Sensory areas and Loose Parts Play. All finished off with natural landscaping including a variety of planting, mulching and sandpits.
Nature Play Elements:
Active Play: Humpback Climber Mother; WhaleTail Climber Bars; Balancing Logs
Water Play: Carved Stone Water Feature; Dry Creek Bed; Carved Water Rock; Carved Top Log
Sensory: Sensory Plantings of Bamboo forest
Outdoor Theme: Fairy Bridge; Mud Kitchen
Basics: Ground Rocks and Logs, Carved Top Stump;
Loose Parts: Cubby Sticks; Loose Balance Rope; Loose Sticks
Landscaping: Mulch, White Sand, Tree and Shrub Plantings, Mounding and Swales
See a short video with Terry discussing the ideas and concept behind the design of the project at
LJBC facebook video
Photos courtesy of Lake Joondalup Baptist College