Princess May Park is situated in an historical part of Fremantle, surrounded by beautiful old buildings and established trees. NBP wanted to acknowledge not only the colonial built history of the site, but the deep indigenous history of the Cantonment Hill (Dwerda Weeardinup) area.

Clancy’s and NBP consulted a local elder, Dr Gerrard Shaw, who told the story of Wagyl (the rainbow serpent) guardian of freshwater and Yondock (the crocodile) who travelled down from the north, causing floods and disturbances. The two battled, and parts of Yondock’s body remain today, as the islands off the coast of Fremantle. There is a carved tail log within the playground, representing part of Yondock’s tail, and look out for dingo footprints, where the dingo spirit Dwerda guards the area. 

Running through the playground is a small limestone wall which sits in the same place as the original dividing wall between the old Fremantle girls and boys schools. The new wall is a nod to the past history and also a play feature, including talking pipe openings. 

The playground features are designed to encourage creative, playful, adventure while managing risk and physical challenge.

Boulders, steppers and a timber giant featuring a fire pole to negotiate heights, a vestibular swing to move in both traditional and more creative ways.

Carved top logs and a sitting circle with a sandpit encourage social engagement, creative play and confidence.

A crushed limestone accessible pathway winds through the centre of the space to allow access and the playground has been fitted with coloured LED lights so play can continue well into the evening.



08 9331 2997

Nature Based Play
1 Rees Street
O’Connor WA 6163
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ABN: 78 607 451 516

Nature Based Play believes that, especially in the context of Nature Play, there is much to be gained from pursuing a deeper understanding of the cultural, spiritual and educational practices of First Nations peoples.

Our offices and workshop are located on Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar, though our work takes us all across the State. As such we would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work throughout Western Australia. 
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