Nature Based Play previously completed a masterplan for Collier Primary School which envisioned a series of nature play spaces surrounding the school oval. Stage one was completed in October 2020.
See stage 1 here:
After the success of the first area we were excited to proceed with design development and construction of the second stage.
This second stage was designed to offer increased opportunities for older children, with elements that are larger and more challenging. The space is centred around an existing mature gum tree and incorporates some of the existing equipment into the design.
The project contains a basket swing which can be used by multiple children at once, and a bespoke steel ‘snail shell’ climbing frame crafted by local creative metalworkers SteeleCo Pty Ltd.
New original nature play items include a miniature forest of tall natural posts with notches carved out for foot and hand grips. These lead up to a small perching deck and some giant stumps connected by a high balance rope and a monkey grip crossing.
The new works create endless pathways for balancing, climbing, and exploring through the landscape of natural features.
We were happy to work with the school’s P&C Landscape Vision group on this project; they provided valuable contributions towards the design and rallied a team of community volunteers who helped with the final stages of installation.
“Nature Based Play have created an authentic, challenging and inclusive playground for our students to enjoy at Collier Primary School. The quality of the project is outstanding and completed within the specified timeframe. This playground is the hub of the Como community, used by families after school and on weekends. It is an inviting space for all and an investment well purchased. We are all incredibly happy with the final product.”
Emma Bancroft – Principal Collier Primary School